Calvary Chapel Macomb |
16116 E. Twelve Mile Road |
the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the CorinthiansCorinth, the most important city in Greece during Paul's day, was a bustling hub of worldwide commerce, degraded culture, and idolatrous religion. There Paul founded a church (Acts 18:1 - 17), and two of his letters are addressed "To the church of God which is at Corinth" (1:2, Cor. 1:1). First Corinthians reveals the problems, pressures and struggles of a church called out of a pagan society. Paul addresses a variety of problems in the lifestyle of the Corinthian church: factions, lawsuits, immorality, questionable practices, abuse of the Lord's Supper and spiritual gifts. In addition to words of discipline, Paul shares words of counsel in answer to questions raised by the Corinthian believers. The oldest recorded title of this epistle is Pros Korinthious A, in effect, the "First to the Corinthians." The A was no doubt a later addition to distinguish this book from Second Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 1 (pt 1) - Listen to God's Calling1 Corinthians 1 (pt 2) - Live Peaceably With All Men1 Corinthians 1 (pt 3) - The Message of The Cross1 Corinthians 2 (pt 1) - We Are CAlled To Witness1 Corinthians 2 (pt 2) - God's Wisdom For Spiritual Man1 Corinthians 3 - Have You Grown in God?1 Corinthians 4 - We are Just Servants & Stewards of Christ1 Corinthians 5 - Do You Care About The Sin?1 Corinthians 6 - Using the law Against One Another1 Corinthians 8 - To Know1 Corinthians 9 - The Effect of Jesus ChristI Corinthians 10 - Tempted?I Corinthians 11 - Traditions and RelationshipsI Corinthians 12 - Spiritual GiftsI Corinthians 13 - Love is Most ImportantI Corinthians 14 - Speaking for God, By GodI Corinthians 15 (pt 1) - The ResurectionI Corinthians 15 (pt 2) - The ResurectionI Corinthians 16 - Glorify God - Put God First |